The Relational Name Between Early and Late Lingnists

Abstract in English

The study starts by an introduction in which I showed the importance of this research and the reason that pushed me to its choice. Then I talk about the relational name, its meaning and naming, then the kinship weights without a ya'a, then I showed what happens to the name at the ratio of changes, and I explained the judgment change because it is the basis that the search depended. Then I discuss the judgmental change because it is the basis of the research I explain the meaning that scholars adopted and that some modernists establish, supporting the explanation by evidence and examples In conclusion the derivative of the relational name (Al mansoub) can either be the subject of the name linked to an adjective of comparison only, or most probably, it can be a delayed predicative (Khabar) while the relational name is advanced subject (Mubtada'a Mukadam) according to the conditions mentioned by linguists.

References used

الأزهري، خالد بن عبد الله، التصريح على التوضيح، ط 3، مصورة عن الطبعة الأزهرية، 1925 م.
البغدادي، عبد القادر بن عمر ،خزانة الأدب ولب لباب لسان العرب، تحقيق عبد السلام هارون، ط 2، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب، 1979 م.
حسن، عباس، النحو الوافي، دار المعارف بمصر، الطبعة الرابعة.
