A subjective Study of the Sixth And Seventh Hijjrian Centuries Poetry of Baths

Abstract in English

This study has tackles the sixth and seventh century poetry describing baths which were widely spread in the Islamic world cities and attended by the lower and upper classes in societies. It also tackles the issue of whether attending these places is permissible or not from a religious point of view. The study is comprised of : an introduction, a preface, and six themes: the structure of baths, tools used in baths, bathing specialist, baths' visitors, praising and satiring the baths themselves. As far as I know, this is a pioneering study in this area as I did not find an independent study on this phenomenon in that particular period of time.

References used

ابن الأخوة، محمد بن محمد ( 1976 )، معالم القربة في أحكام الحسبة، تحقيق محمد شعبان وزميله، الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب.
ابن تيمية أحمد بن عبد الحليم (د.ت.)، مجموع فتاوى شيخ الإسلام أحمد بن تيمية، جمع وترتيب عبد الرحمن بن محمد وابنه.
ابن جبير، أحمد بن جبير (د.ت.)، تذكرة بالأخبار عن اتفاقات الأسفار المعروف برحلة ابن جبير، دار الكتاب اللبناني، بيروت، دار الكتاب المصري. القاهرة.
