The Tale in The Poetry of Yahya Bin Alhakam Alghazal

Abstract in English

This research studies an important aspect in the poetry of Yahya Bin Alhakam Alghazal, one of the most brilliant poets in the Andalusia literature. This research discusses: - Subjects of the tale in the poetry of Alghazal. - The main artistic elements in his poetry. The subjects in the tale revolve about the poet's experience and his own life and the things in his community. The tale in his poetry depends on dialogue, simple action, satire, and folk language. This poetic tale found approval from all the people in its own time because it depends on simplicity and discusses daily problems like bribery, justice and hypocrisy These cases are very important that Alghazal had studied in his poems.

References used

امرؤ القيس، ديوانه، شرح أبي بكر عاصم، المطبعة الخيرية مصر 1307 ه.
شلبي (د. سعد): الأصول الفنية للشعر الأندلسي في عصر الإمارة، دار نهضة مصر، القاهرة، 1982 م.
عمر بن أبي ربيعة، ديوانه، حققه بشير يموت، المطبعة الأهلية، بيروت، 1934 م.
