Parameters of Hermemetics

Abstract in English

Perhaps no one opposes herm emetics per se, and no one denies its significance; but many object to the degrees and levels of hermeneutics: its places and its practices. We will search one of the main problems of hermeneutics. The parameters of hermeneutics. This means the levels of hermeneutics' process which change the concept of hermeneutics in every degree of hermeneutics' process. There are five parameters return to origin or root, going beyond apparent meaning, going the into inner meaning, making the text a spring of significations, and the and Rinally going to what the text ean and cannot say.

References used

ابن منظور: لسان العرب دار إحياء التراث العربي بيروت 1993 م.
المعري، أبو العلاء: سقط الزند تصحيح إبراهيم الزين دار الفكر بيروت 1965 م.
التوحيدي: رسالة إِلى القاضي أبي سهل علي بن محمد ضمن كناب من رسائل التوحيدي وزارة الثقافة دمشق 2000 م.
