Morphoemtric Study (Al kandeelWadi Basin)

Abstract in English

The basin of Al-Kandeel Valley represents one of the basins of western northern area's mountains in the Syrian Arab Republic which is situated just like the axe in the eastern northern and western southern direction covering approximately 155km2 with a length rating 20km of complicated geology character (Structurally & Constructively) where you can find a variety of surface rocks among of which there are metamorphic and sedimentary rocks that are of severe dislocation as being subject of high construction potential imposed by the location of the area under the aspect of thrust of the Arab plate under the Jurassic plate. Its height is gradually rating clearly from the eastern northern to western southern. The values of its local terrain rated between 5 m/km2 in its plain area at the drain point and 375 m/km2 at the mountain eastern northern area. The climate prevailing in this area is of seasonal rains and classified under the Mediterranean Climate (Plain-Mountain).

References used

حاج حسن، محمد فائد، ( 1996 ): أسس الجيومورفولوجيا المناخية، منشورات جامعة دمشق، دمشق.
حسين، كمال محي الدين ( 1998 ): جيولوجية سورية الإقليمية ( 2)، منشورات جامعة دمشق، دمشق.
Chorley, R,J; (1962): Geomorphology and General Systems Theory , in King, C.A.M; (ed): (1976): Landforms and Geomorphology Concepts History, Dowden &Ross .Inc .Pennsylvania , PP 238-244
