The Capitalist World: Autonomous Dynamism and Continuous Crises

Abstract in English

The world, especially the capitalistic world, is passing through the worst economic crisis since 1929. This crisis has brought the worst, largest and strongest impact ever in its entire history. The self healing mechanisms the capitalistic world possesses have enabled it in the past and will enable it now to go past this crisis. Economic forecasters and decision-makers should learn lessons and deduce warnings from this crisis, and there seems to be some positive insights and attitudes of which the most important is the rebirth of Mackenzie principles. The other important issue that remains wide open concerns the moral values of the capitalistic society, which is that any materialistictechnological advancement will not be guaranteed in the long run unless it is guided and rationalized by a set of moral values which aim at the higher interests of society.

References used

World of work, the magazine of the ILO , No. 27,December,1996,p.4
أبو العلا، محمد حسين، ديكتاتورية العولمة: قراءة تحليلية في فكر المثقف،الطبعة . الأولى، مكتبة مدبولي، القاهرة، 2004
الببلاوي، حازم،اقتصاد السوق والليبرالية،وجهات نظر،العدد 64 ،مايو، القاهرة، . 2004
