The American Policy towards Interference Cases in Human Rights

Abstract in English

In the last few years the world faced many political, economical, ideological and military changes, leading to the emergence of a new international situation. These changes had their effects on the international relations especially in the method of dealing with different issues and problems. They also affected on applying the principles on which the international law is based such as sovereignty, equality in sovereignty, the principles of human rights and the principle of not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. On these bases a new international map is formed with the emergence of one political and economical pole. As a consequence, the world has lost its strategic balance and the onepole trend has dominated the international relations and has manifested itself in the international decision-making and the current world issues. This, in turn, has compromised the role of the United Nations and other international government and non-government organizations that comprise the human rights organizations on the bases that what happened in Iraq and happening in Libya are considered a human disaster in all measures. Through the trespasses that the United States has committed, and still committing, by jumping over the international legitimacy and the contradictions in the unrealistic justifications for waging wars and military actions and the consequent violations of internationally admitted human rights through international treaties, for all these, the United States is considered part of most of them.

References used

See 2005 World Summit Outcome, General Assembly Resolution 60/1, para. 138-139, U.N. Doc. A/60/L.1( Oct.24,2005). Available at
(See 2005 World Summit Outcome, General Assembly Resolution 60/1, para. 138-139, U.N. Doc. A/60/L.1( Oct.24,2005
International Coalition for the responsibility to protect, The crisis in Libya, available at
