Gates of the Ottoman Khans in the Old City of Aleppo (Types and Architectural Elements)

Abstract in English

Khans constitute one of the most important buildings throughout history, because of their important role in the economic life. They were marked by the enormity of construction, area, and also by details and architectural elements either in the unique forms of gates, the interior spaces, courtyards and openings internal windows and doors. Khans gates formed unique architectural panels of beauty and richness by their decoration. They formed an important subject worthy of studying and research. Khans flourished significantly as Aleppo was one of the most important commercial cities throughout history, because of its important geographical location, something which distinguished it from other cities., especially during the Ottoman era, which saw the construction of more than fifty Khans inside the city. These khans were established during different periods of the Ottoman era, which seem similar in the general plan, but different in details depending on the period of construction. This resulted in different models with different details, as reflected in the varied forms of gates in size, decoration and architectural details. Khan gates in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries were marked by the big dimension, the intensity of motifs, and rich architectural details influenced clearly by the Mamluk architecture. In comparison, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries seemed more simple, less massive than its predecessors, and even devoid of decoration. The effects of European architecture were clear on the gates of Khans in the end of the Ottoman era in the early twentieth century. As a result, khans gates in Aleppo during the Ottoman era waere characterized by diversity in size, configuration and architectural details, which must be recognized in any restoration project, in order to preserve the original features and the characteristic of these monuments.

References used

Elisseeff, N.Khan. In: The Encyclopaedia of Islam. volume IV, P 1010- 1017, Iran, 1990
Sauvaget, J. Alep, Essai sur le dévéloppement d'une grande ville XIX siècle. 2 Volumes, Paris, 1941
