Studying of the transverse response of quantum liquid affect by an external vector potential

Abstract in English

In this search, we have calculated thetransverse component of energy distortion in elasticity wave modes of quantum liquid, by using Landau's theory in Fermi liquid taken in consideration the effect of transverse component of an external disturbance on the liquid. We calculated the current density related to this component, and the stress tensor component according with this state.In our search we have been considered the temperature is low enough since the relation is true, where is the Fermi temperature. We have compared the response of the liquid, for transverse componentof the external disturbance, with its response for longitudinal one in same conditions, by studding the transverse and longitudinal shear modulus (which equivalent these responses) as functions of the frequency and wave vector of the external disturbance. We have found in general that these responses are different, but they become equal in particular case , where the velocity on Fermi surface, and in this case the viscoelastic model hypotheses become true.

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