Propagation of structural Waves ( First Sound ) in Quantum Fermi Plasmas

Abstract in English

In this study, an Interaction Function between quasi particles has been introduced into an energy formula in Kinetic Equation of Quantum Plasmas. Such new type can be used to study quasi Particles of Quantum Fermi Plasmas, since it contains quantum term that is correlated with Bohm Potential, when the mean inter-particle distance is of the same order as the de-Broglie thermal wavelength. An interaction function between quasi particles has been expressed using spherical Functions in three-dimensional space with Landau’s spread coefficients for ℓ = 0 , 1 , 2 . Using such representation led to obtaining the dispersion relation of the structural waves and its energy Spectrum in balanced local condition. The use of Landau parameters in this study isconsidered new comparing to other studies in this field. It allows us to get more generic and more precise dispersion relations with new previously unknown spectrum energy in Quantum Fermi Plasmas.

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