Causes of first trimester bleeding in Alasad University Hospital patients during 2013-2014

Abstract in English

A study was done about bleeding in first trimester of pregnancy including 816 patients from 3104 pregnant women(26.28 %) . The causes was abortion ( %96.07), ectopic pregnancy (%2.69) and hyditidiform mole (%1.22). In patients with abortion 486 patients suffered from pain with bleeding(%61.09) and when happeded together the rate of complete abortion elevated . (%78.18) had early abortion whereas(%21.81) had late abortion.The most common high risk factors in patients with abortion were poor and low level of life also the age -35 40 years old(%47.44). The tubal ectopic pregnancy was the most common and the privious pelvic operation is one of the most important high risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. All patients with ectopic pregnancy had amenorrhea with low or no changes in β- HCG levels and (%86.36) had abdominal pain with changes and pain in the cervixs. 16 patients (%72.72) needed surgical therapy.

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