Assessment of Reduction and Stabilization Adequacy of Mandibular Angle Fractures treated by mini plates Intraorally

Abstract in English

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of a single malleable noncommpression titanium miniplate in fixation and stability of fractures of the mandibular angle using two approaches(.transbuccal and intra-oral approach, or intra-orally alone) . The research sample included 20 patients from patients who attended AL Assad University Hospital with Unilateral or bilateralun-comminuted mandibular angle fractures in the period between September 2011 and October 2013. The research sample was divided into two groups depending on the two approaches that have been used . Adequacy of the reduction and stability of fixation were evaluated through Radiographic examinations immediately after surgery. Postoperative assessment was based on clinical examination after 1 month, 6 monthes and a year to evaluate: Occlusion, Masticatory efficiency, Maximum mouth opening range, and Other complications(infection –mini-plate exposure). The results of the present study showed that there were statistical difference between the two approaches(transbuccal and intra-oral approach, or intra-orally alone) regarding Occlusion, Masticatory efficiency and Other complications after 1 and 6 months while there was no statistical difference between the approaches after 1 year . we Concluded that using the combined transbuccal/oral approach was the best regarding(infection and mini-plate exposure) and compared with intra-oral approach .

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