"Practical program suggested to improve the sports gymnastics for the students of Sporting Education Faculty at Tishreen University.")Empirical Research- Selected Sample)

Abstract in English

Sports gymnastics need high degree of Physical Fitness when we practice it, especially the flexibility which give beauty case for sports movements. The more the student has a good flexibility, the faster he learns the movements without problems in muscles or becomes tired or gets injury. The Flexibility is one of the most important elements of the Fitness that must be existed in the player, Because, When the players do the movement skills it is required to move the knuckle smoothly. The researcher is noticed that at the tests of the college there is a weak in the Flexibility for the students at the first year at Sporting Education College and it is a problem that student can't do the movement skills very well and exposure to injury and difficulties to learn and get skills. That is required extra time and a lot of practice by the teachers, So it will effect at the Practical section. So the researcher designs practical program to improve the Flexibility at sports gymnastics for the students to get skills in hurry and at less time without injury especially at the first time.

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