Morphologicl And Taxonomical Study Of Four Species Of Genus Ornithogalum L.(Liliaceae) Juss. Contribution In Determining The Dendrogram Of Their In Jablah Region

Abstract in English

Taxonomic study confirmed of genus Ornithogalum L. (Star of Bethlehem) recording 4 spices belonging to him are: O.narbonense L., O.montanum Cyr., O.umbellatum L., O.ulophyllum Hand.. for the first time in the Jableh region, The morphology of the database was put included (Habit - bulbs - bulbest surrounding Balbs - leaves- presence of the white line on adaxial of the leaf - the green line on abaxial of the tepal - stamens - pistil - fruits - seeds - with type and dimensions of pollens and definition the stomatal type) and linked these character by using Statistica for Dendrogram which showed the presence of 3 clusters, cluster common of two spices O.narbonense, O.ulophyllum, While an alone all of two spices O.umbellatum O.montanum, cluster of its own, and put a taxonomic key to distinguish between studied species.

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