Study of the Effect of Rainstorms Frequency on some Soil Water erosion under a Rain Simulator

Abstract in English

The study aimedtoalertthe danger oferosionare three types ofsoilsexposedby calculatingthe amount ofsoilerodedfromthe impact ofthe Cascadefiverainstormsequalintensity, thosesoils, has been securedsoilsnecessaryfor the studyofseveral areas ofdifferent provincesin Syria, where he wasplaced in thebasin, thenoffered forrainstormsbymobile(Rainfall Simulation),andaftereveryrainstormwas recordedreadingsfor the loss ofsoilfromeachbasinrunoffandinfiltration. The results of thisstudy showedthe effectin terms oftexturesin thedrift, themoremechanicalgroupsdriftingin the threesoilsareprimarilysiltgroup, followed by the mudpack, thensand, and clay soilswith ahigh percentageofsiltmosterosionofclay soilswith alowpercentageofsilt, followed bysandyclayloamsoils, wherethe amount ofsoillostfromthe clay soilreachedwith a high contentofsilt147.7t/ h/y, andthe lowclaycontentofsilt118.5t/ h/y, while the soilwithtexturesLummisandyclay, reaching 90.5t / h/y.And soil erosion that attaches primarily by college carbonates then dispersion ratio of organic matter and then finally percentage silt.

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