This researchwas conducted for the first time in Syria in order to studytheeffect of eyestalk ablation on moulting and ovarian maturation in PenaeusSemisulcatusas on essential step in most shrimp hatcheries . 12 females 15,5-17,5 cm and 6 adult males with a length of 14-16 cm were colectedat the sublittoal zone of city Jableh during the period from the beginning of the month of April 2012 until the end of June 2013. Eyestalks for 6 females were ablated while other females were left as control, and females were gathered with males by 2 : 1 in 150 L- tank connected to the basin 's filtering, controlled temperature range between 27-29 co and 38 ‰ salinity and oxygen dissolved 4 mg / l , Animals were fed individual once daily at a rate of 12 % of body weight with stuffed squid and shrimp. the study showed that all femaleswith eyestalk ablation were molted during the period of 2-6 days, the ovaries of five females began activeand one of female died, while females withnon of eyestalk ablation over a period of 8-20 days and ovaries oftwoof them showed development.