instructions in class of French Foreign Language : What do the teacher request ?

Abstract in English

In class, the teachers provide constantly instructions, and the learners must continually perform. But, some of these instructions are not followed ! It is the same of exercises or examination subjects. The instruction poses several challenges both in terms of its formulation or that of his understanding. Formulate an instruction require a great effort, great care and special skills, because of the quality of the latter depends in large part the quality of work performed.

References used

ADAM, J.-M. Entre conseil et consigne : les genres de l’incitation à l’action. in Pratiques, N°. 11, 2001, pp. 7-38
BRONCKART; J.-P. Pourquoi et comment analyser l’agir verbal et non verbal en situation de travail ? in Cahiers de la Section des Sciences de l’Éducation, N°. 103, 2004, pp. 111-144
BROUSSEAU, G. Théorie des situations didactiques, Grenoble : La Pensée Sauvage, 1998
