USA Policy on Middle East Defense Development and Impact on the Establishment of Baghdad’s Pact, and Enhancement of the Turkish role in the Middle East (1950-1953) From the Documents of USA Department of State

Abstract in English

After the dismemberment of the “Arab Homeland” by “Sykes – Picot Agreement” (1916), “Belford Declaration” (1917), the Independence of the “Orient States” (1946), and the establishment of the so-called “State of Israel” (1948), the concern of the USA was concentrated on rallying the States of the Middle East in a “Defense Organization” to resist the Arab National Orientation, and the „Communist Threats”, and to protect the western investments, through indigenous military forces and local self-finance. The USA and Western commitment towards this defense system is restricted to some military and technical assistance and full control of the military, economic, political, social and cultural activities in a way that protects and guarantees the western interests, investments and plans.

References used

United States, Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United Sates, 1952, The Near and Middle East (in two parts): Volume IX, Part 1 (1952-1954) ,Unite States Government Printing Office, Washington 1986, Pp. 405-406
