Birth order and its Impact on Social Interaction of4-5 yearkindergarteners (A field study on a sample of public kindergartens category II (4-5) years in the city of Damascus)

Abstract in English

The current research aims to identify the forms of aggressive behavior among kindergarteners and its relationship with some variables (the educationan level of the mother and the child's gender). A Random sample has been selected, which reached (100) boys and girls. The results were as follows: (1) the most prevalent forms of aggressive behavior of childrenwere; first, the verbal aggressive behavior; second, the physical aggressive behavior; then comes the symbolic. (2) The presence of statistical indicative differences between the two genders in the forms of aggressive behavior among kindergarteners aged (5-6 years). (3) The presence of statistical indicative differences in the forms of aggressive behavior depending on the educationlevel of the mother.

References used

Barrett, Taylor (2002): birth order and its effecttion on some one s personalits, New Jersey.P262-268
Holmes,R.M.1990:Social Interaction kindergarten: the rules frie ndship,P250-255
Krohn, kathrine (2000): the birth order / The rosen publishing group, inc-New York
