Forensic Medical Importance of Some Biomarkers (Faees) in Alcoholic Determination:A Comparative Study in Toxicokinetics of Ethanol and Its Penetration Into the Eye Ball and ItsApplication in Forensic Medicine

Abstract in English

The concentration of ethanol in blood and urine provides important evidence in criminal and civil litigation when alcohol- related crimes are investigated (e.g., drunk driving )Therefore. Ethanol analysis is the most frequently performed assay in forensic toxicology laboratories . .However, the risk for artifactual formation of ethanol, especially in postmortem specimens, always needs to be considered . It is often difficult to distinguish between postmortem ethanol production and antemortem alcohol ingestion . Ethanol synthesis could be produced by many species of bacteria or yeasts ,which is also influenced as storage temperature, and the interval between death and autopsy increase .

References used

Jickells S. ,Negrusy A.Clarke's analytical forensic toxicology .Pharmaceutical Press (2008) : 299-327
Steven B. Karch,M.D. Editor-in-Chief ( 2000). Drug Abuse Handbook
Jatlow P. ( 1990) Acute toxicology of ethanol ingestion . Role of the clinical laboratory .Am J Clin Pathol N0v; 74 (5) : 721-4
