Treatment of Pelvic Pressure Sores with Musculo-Cutaneous Flaps

Abstract in English

coma and patients in the medical and surgical intensive care units, in addition to trauma and burns patients. These problems are difficult to treat. This medical problem leads to the deterioration of patients' medical condition and increases the suffering of patients and families. It will lead to continuous draining of their financial and moral resources.

References used

(John D. Bauer, Johns and Linda G. Phillips, Pressure Sores chp.74. in Grabb Smith's. Wolters Kluwer- Ed. New York 2010 (p722-729
(Robert D. Foster Pressure sores chapt157 in Mathes- plastic surgery- vol.6 Philadelphia Ed. 2010. p(1317- 1353
(Marc Revol, J.M. Servant, Escarres, Manuel de chirurgie Plastique reconstructrice et esthetique Ed. Pradel- Paris- 1993 p(221-228
