The Effect of Alveolar Rinse with Tetracycline and Articaine on Sequelae Control Following Lower Third Molar Extraction

Abstract in English

This clinical study included 30 cases of impacted lower third molars, which were surgically extracted at the oral surgery department at Tishreen University in Lattakia. The ages of patients were between 20 - 30 years. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alveolar rinse with Tetracycline and Articaine mixture on pain, edema, and trismus after surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars. The sample was divided into two groups: - First Group (Study Group): /16/ impacted lower third molars were surgically extracted. The alveolar socket was rinsed with Tetracycline and Articaine mixture immediately after removal of the impacted molar. - Second Group (Control Group): /14/ impacted lower third molars were surgically extracted. The alveolar socket was rinsed with Saline immediately after removal of the impacted molar. The study showed that alveolar rinse with Tetracycline and Articaine mixture had a significant effect on pain, edema, and trismus after surgical extraction of lower third molars in comparison with Saline alveolar rinse (P<0.05).

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