The effect kind of eye care policy on the incidence rate of exposure keratopathy among mechanically ventilated patients

Abstract in English

Patients in the intensive care unit (ICU), especially ventilated patients, are at considerable risk of developing ocular surface disease because the protective eye mechanisms are damage, as decrease eyelid closure ,unable blinking, decreased producing tears, increased expose the eye to pathogen bacteria . These factors often result in incomplete lid closure and expose and decay the eye, and this called the exposure keratopathy, which appear that high rate with ventilated patients. The eye care is a part of the providing care to every patient in critical care units. Whereas the Unconscious and Sedation and paralysis patients are the most serious group and the most need to the eye care for maintain the eye in a state of normal.objective:To determine the effect kind of eye care policy on incidence rate of exposure keratopathyamong mechanically ventilated patients.

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