Arabic Language as a Second Language: Challenges Facing Foreign Learners

Abstract in English

This research deals with teaching Arabic as a second language. It tackles the different characteristics and nationalities of learners in addition to their objectives in relation to learning Arabic. This is taken into consideration when preparing the required curricula from two perspectives; the linguistic and the functional one. This research sheds light on the role of technology that is utilized to facilitate the task of learning Arabic by speakers of other languages in relation to the pronunciation of letters, sounds, writing, grammatical conjugation, comprehension and reading. The research also sheds light on the most important challenges facing the Arabic Language since the twenty first century such as the cultural challenge and the revival of local and spoken dialects.

References used

Corder, S .Pit. (1966) the visual element in language teaching, Longmans,London,P.5-7
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الأفغاني، سعيد ( 1971 )، حاضر اللغة العربية، الطبعة الثانية، دار الفكر، . ص 106
