The Tree: Its Indications and Symbols in Ibn ArabiWritings

Abstract in English

This paper studies indications and symbols hidden behind the usage of the Grand Sheikh Mohi` El-Din Ibn Arabi to the tree as a sublime model in his book “The tree of Universe”, to follow the steps of the Holy Quran that assisted in bringing the attention of the extraordinary man to the pivotal role of the tree to be a real sample for the whole existence of the universe, and to be important for resemblances, consciousness and contemplation, to reach to a deep concept to the nature of relations that weave and contrive among the created existence of this universe together, and to relate all of them to the unified creation of the only Creator of this universe and all the wonders of this existence.

References used

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الأنوثة في فكر ابن عربي، نزهة براضة، دار الساقي، ط 1، بيروت 2008
رسالة جامعة الجامعة، إخوان الصفاء، مؤسسة ناصر للثقافة، بيروت 1981
