Family Socializing and Its Relationship to a Child's Social Interaction with Peers in Kindergarten According to Parents and Teachers "A field study on a sample of kindergarten Damascus Governorate"

Abstract in English

The current research aims to study the relationship between democracy and authoritarian methods of family socialization and child's social interaction with peers in kindergarten. In order to achieve this target, the researcher has set up a questionnaire to identify democracy and authoritarian methods of family socialization in order to measure democracy and authoritarian methods of family socialization used by parents with a child aged (5-6 years), as the researcher prepares a note card in order to measure the social interaction of the child aged (5-6 years) with peers inside the kindergarten. The study found the following results: there is a correlation between the method of democracy family socialization and the social interaction of the child with peers among children sample in kindergarten, while there is no correlation between the method of authoritarianism family socialization and the social interaction of the child with peers.

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