A Study of the Effect of Infectious Bovine Kerato-Conjunctivitis (IBK) in Cattle of the Syrian Coast

Abstract in English

This study was conducted in Syrian Coast to investigate infectious bovine Kerato- Conjunctivitis (IBK) in cattle. A total of 1000 cows were investigated clinically and bacteriologically against the disease. 128 ( 12.8%) of the cows were infected. 84 (15.84%) of the cows belong to Fideo Station, 24 ( 9.6%) to Lattakia villages and 20 ( 9.09%) to Tarttus villages. Highest infection rates (14.54%) were recorded in animals reared outdoors. Recorded clinical signs were congestion of conjuctiva with ocular discharge, blepharospasm, edema and ulceration of the cornea. The clinical signs varied according to severity from mild to severe. Several species of bacteria were detected: Moraxella bovis (n=64). Topical and parental treatment using Ciprofloxacin gave good result eliminating the infection. The study recorded reducing milk production ( 30-50%) and body weight ( about 25 kg for every infected animal).

References used

Aikman ,J. Selman, A. Experimental production of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis. Vet Rec 1985; 117:234-239
Al Gaabary, MH. Jeblawi , Rafik . Osman , Slama. 13th sci cong (2008) Fac . Med . Assut Univ . Egypt
Blood ,D.C .and Radostitis . (1990) Veterinary, Seventh Edition, Baillere Tindall London Page 496, 463, 464
