Analyzing Arboreal Rows and their Effect on the Service and Structural Engineering Elements in ( SYRIA ) Street, Latakia City

Abstract in English

This study was conducted in Syria Street, which connects between Yemen Square and Republic Square in Latakia City. This paper cares to analyze arboreal rows in SYRIA Street and to study their relation with the service and structural engineering components Of that street . Moreover, the ideal state of these street trees was evaluated .Results of this paper revealed, that the arboreal rows contain two botanic species (Ficus nitida L, Jacaranda mimosaefolia Don.), which served to furnish the street with monotonic beauty and humility in botanic diversity,and prominent breaks in these rows. Findings showed an ideal decrease in the value of the two used botanic species where (Ficus nitidia) attained a mark of 6.8/10 and (Jacaranda mimosaefolia) 6.34/10 . Corresponding to the relation of trees to some street engineering elements, results indicated inobservance of standard dimensions between planted trees and service elements. which negatively influenced the aesthetic and position value of buildings’ and stores’ facets and guiding signs and billboards on the one hand, and risk increase on pedestrians and vehicles due to blocking vision of traffic signs and overlap of tree crowns with electricity and lighting posts on the other hand.

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