Activity of some plant extracts against Alternaria alternata & Fusarium oxysporum and compared with fungicides in vitro

Abstract in English

This investigation carried out in 2012-2013,in department of plant protection- Damascus Unv., to study the effect of ethanol and water extracts of Allium sativum L., Inula viscos L., Thymus vulgaris L. and Melia azedarach L., in inhibition mycelium growth of fungi Alternaria alternata and Fusarium oxysporum and compared with fungicides (carbendazim and chlorothalonil) on PDA in the laboratory. The result showed that ethanol extracts of studied species gave significant inhibition to growth fungi compared with the control. The ethanol and water extract of the Allium sativum gave the superior effect inhibition to F. oxysporum where gave 100% inhibition at 600 and 1000 mg/l. at respectively, and gave100% inhibition to A. alternata at 1000 mg/l. Followed with the ethanol extract of Inula viscos. While, the ethanol and water extract of the Melia azedarach gave the lowest inhibition to growth study fungi. Where didn’t gave 100 % inhibition to F. oxysporum and A. alternata at 1000 mg/l. On the other hand, the ethanol extract of Thymus vulgaris gave moderate inhibition to F. oxysporum, while the inhibition of A. alternata was little. The ethanol extract of tested plants gave the superior effect inhibition to both fungi compared with water extracts. On the other hand, the obtained results showed that carbandazim gave the superior inhibition for F. oxysporum ,where gave 100% inhibition at concentration 120 mg/l. While the fungicide chlorothalonil gave the lowest inhibition to F. oxysporum. At contrast, the fungicide chlorothalonil gave the highest inhibition to A. alternata at used concentration. Where cause 100% inhibition at 150 mg/l. On the other hand, Effect of plant extracts and fungicides increased with increase of concentrate. We can arranged the effect of plant extraction at the values (ED50): Allium sativum L., Inula viscos L., Thymus vulgaris L. and Melia azedarach L., Therefore we recommended to use the ethanol extract of the Allium sativum L., Inula viscos L. as environment friendly fungicides.

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