Pedological and microbiological study of a Pine forest soil profiles in the coastal Region (Mehwarti Forest)

Abstract in English

The aim of this study was to determine some physical, chemical properties and microbiological density (fungi –bacteria) of a Pine forest soil in the coastal region (Mehwarti forest, Banias), where Pinus brutia is the main dominant plant. Three soil profiles were carried out and their morphological characteristics were determined, the thickness of accumulated organic residues and GPS data were also recorded. For physical and chemical analysis, samples from each profile horizon were taken and air- dried, whereas for the microbial diversity analysis, samples were taken twice in autumn and spring, and transported and stored at 4C. The results showed that the studied soil belongs to Alfisol Order with A -Bt – C profile types. Our results also showed that the soil depth was (85-100cm) and the texture was clay with a high porosity in all studied soil horizons. The content of calcium carbonate in the studied horizons was closely similar and increased with soil depth, whereas the pH ranged between 6.8 and 7.9. The results indicated that the organic matter decreased significantly with soil depth that affected the microorganisms density which behave in the same manner. This decreas was very clear in the first horizon especially in spring.

References used

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