Functional and social performance of the public spaces in Lattakia city

Abstract in English

Research analyze the functional and social performance of the public spaces and squares in the city of Lattakia, by studying the universal adopted principles and criteria in this field. According to that, research define a functional and social requirements, which could contribute to reach a criteria for evaluating the functional and social efficiency of the public spaces in the city. Research continue with an analytical study for a main public space in Lattakia city ( Yaman Square ) based on these criteria in order to determine the range of realization these criteria by this space, which contribute to define the strength and weakness points of the solution in this aspect. Study concludes a set of results that define and describe the functional and social performance of the public spaces and in the city of Lattakia. Finally, study propose some recommendations that could contribute to treat the weaknesses and promote the strengths in the process of the public spaces formation in the city of Lattakia.

References used

Banerjee. The Future of Public Space. Beyond Invented Streets & Reinvented Place. Journal of The American Planning Association U.S.A. Vol. 67, N.1, 2001, 9- 24
Carmona, M & others. Public Spaces - Urban Spaces. Second Edition, Architectural Press, Great Britain, 2010. 408
City Architect Department-Warsaw. Warsaw Triangle. Central Warsaw Region, Poland, 2004. 50
