The Epistemological Reading of Heritage in Mohammad Abed Al – Jaberi's works

Abstract in English

In Mohammad Abed Al- Jaberi's point of view, heritage needs an epistemological reading, that requires digging in its depth to rebuild it, reform it, and reconnect with it. Therefore, Jaberi's epistemological reading is based on his conviction that renewing the Arabic thinking and criticizing the Arabic mind can't be done only by the invitation to using new methods and explaining them, but also needs to be logically used in the study of our heritage and analyzed in a way that suits this usage- Form this point, the new method that depends on examining the texts of heritage that was inspired from the postmodernists European method in reading the text and then going beyond that to reestablishing it was a great victory for the scientific spirit and a setting for the dialogue morals.

References used

التوحيدي، أبو حيان، د. ت، الإمتناع والمؤانسة، منشورات مكتبة الحياة، بيروت.
الجابري، محمد عابد، 1987 ، نقد العقل العربي ( 2) بنية العقل العربي، دارسة تحليلية نقدية لنظم المعرفة في الثقافة العربية، دراسات الوحدة العربية، بيروت.
الجابري، محمد عابد، 1982 ، نحن والتراث، قراءة معاصرة في تراثنا الفلسفي، دار الطليعة للطباعة والنشر، بيروت، المركز الثقافي العربي، الدار البيضاء.
