The Role of The School’s Library in Enhancing Reading By the 5th and 6th grade Pupils at the Basic Education (A Field Study at Damascus Schools) The areas of ( Barzeh, Masaken Barzeh, Rukun Al-Din, Salhia, Mazra’a, Muhajereen ) as samples

Abstract in English

The research aims at getting acquainted with how far pupils of the 5th and 6th grade, in the Basic Education, do read, and how often do they visit the school library. Within this framework, we tried to point out the factors having impact on the volume of reading, starting with the family circumstances; the parents’ work, their level of education and encouragement, and also the school’s influence in as much as it contributes to the teacher, the director or the book keeper in encouraging pupils to read. An opinion poll has been conducted for this purpose on a sample of the 5th and 6th grades in the city of Damascus.

References used

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آغا، نور، مكتبات الأطفال ودورها في تنمية مهارات وهوايات الأطفال، . جامعة دمشق، 2002
