Private security Companies under international humanitarian Law

Abstract in English

The role of private security companies in the armed conflicts like training, intelligence, consultation and sometimes fighting has led to consider them, one of the contemporary challenges that international humanitarian law is facing. The legal status of "private contractors" in contrast with combatants, the absence of hierarchy command for private contractors make it hard to ensure their respect of international humanitarian law, or even sue them in case of violations. The initiatives for self or international regulating of private companies to ensure their respect of international humanitarian law still UN effective and didn’t resolve the contracting and the relative states from their responsibility

References used

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Brownli, Ian, principles of public international law,Oxford,1966
Sandos , Yevs & . Swinarski, christophe &. Zimmerman, burno, Commentary on the additional protocols of the Geneva conventions, ICRC، martinus niJoff publishers, Geneva, 1987
