Foreign Military Bases and humanitarian rights after September 11th attacks with A special reference to Guantanamo Base

Abstract in English

After September 11th attacks, the USA launched its so called war on terrorism using a number of legal and illegal means. Governmental and non-governmental reports of international organizations have indicated that American military bases have been used as incarceration and military court sites. Guantanamo is one of the most important American military base used in the war against terrorism. Other military bases throughout the world, such as Bagram base in Afghanistan, have been used for activities which exceed their traditional military objectives. These bases have experienced violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws. Military bases have been converted into incarceration and torture centerswhich witness serious violations of the international rights of prisoners. Prisoners have been deprived of their simplest legitimate rights. Such violations have been criticized by a number of regional and international organizations, which pressured the American government to announce its decision to close Guantanamo.

References used

الأستاذ الدكتور المرحوم صلاح الدين عامر التفرقة بين المقاتلين و غير المقاتلين في دراسات القانون الدولي الإنساني – دار المستقبل العربي عام 2000
اتفاقية جنيف الثالثة
الأستاذ الدكتور محمود مرشحة الوجيز في القانون الدولي العام (منشورات جامعة حلب طبعة عام 2004
