Experimental Study of the Performance of Improved (Solar Dryer-Greenhouse) in Drying Syrian Tobacco

Abstract in English

This research study the improvement of the performance of drying the agriculture products in (solar dryer-greenhouse), therefore; the design of the solar dryer had modified. The thermal storage unit became bigger, and the glass transparent roof covered by thermal isolation sheet to reduce the thermal losses at night, a centurial fan was put on the drying tunnel to increase the speed of drying of Tobacco olives by increasing the hot drying air flue. The solar dryer tested in the tobacco researches center in Ramilah in Lattakia by drying samples of tobacco(Brly, Bassma) during the period of June,2013. The dried products in the solar dryer were completely protected from rains and insects, and the dried products are of high quality, The tobacco(Brly, Bassma) being dried in the dryer in four and three days, respectively.

References used

Arun S. Mujumdar, Hall.carl, Handbook of Industrial Drying, Taylor & Francis Group, U.S.A, pg-308, 2006
Sodha MS, Bansal NK, Kumar A, Bansal PK, Malik MAS. Solar crop drying. vol. 1. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1987
