Study elementary Geological and tectonical the Dam of Deifeh

Abstract in English

This search shows the lithological, petrographical and physical properties of the dam, and storage basin through rocks cors study taken from some wells in axis dam and storage lake and surface samples therefore have shaped unpenetration and penetration units. From this study discern reduction degree pored with rise positions deep far from range movement underground water and observed attachment pored grade cracs, Faults and karstic, Karstic discerned in positions (campanian, turounian) Increase Karstic caves in sinomanian positions from during tectonic cracs and naught being it in mastrichtian also action space in area dry weathering above level underground water because movement water across this cracs and vacuity. Positions geological divided in location which credence at pored to three straps (A, B, C): A)-Hard weathering strap Positions assimilate in this strap cracs dense rocks advance open cracs wobble between(3-5mm) and full of habit clay materials ,and compose dense weathering strap assimilate pored rocks and area the thick (3-6m).and advance removal it before starting in construction dam body because low resistance ,high cracs, capacity low load B) -Soft weathering strap Assimilate debris pile from split calcite rocks,and compose penetrating rocks. C) -Unpenetrating rocks strip Assimilate thick clay calcite positions from unpenetrating rocks.

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