Some Application of second-order epi-derivativse in terme of Housdoroff distance

Abstract in English

The purpose of this research is toextendsome results introduced by Rockafellar[19] in finite-dimensioal spaces to general Banach space using the Housdoroff distance convergent instead of epigraphical convergent .These results are aplicationsto study the second-order epi-derivatives of function to classeand to study the second-order epi-derivatives of sum two convex functionand to studythe second-order epi-derivatives of Moreau-Yosida approximate function alsoto study ofthe second-order epi-derivatives of composition convex function with linear operator .

References used

Attouch, H. : Variational convergence for functions and operators. Pitman, London, 1984
Attouch, H. ; Wets, R.J : Epigraphic analysais, analyse non linéaire. Gauthiers-Villars, paris, 1989, 73-100
Attouch, H., R.Lucchetti and Wets, R.J: The topology of -Hausdorff distance . Ann. Mat.Pura Appl.(4), 160, 1991, 303-320
