Characterization of trisubstituted aromatic isomers and structural identification by spectroscopic methods. I- Identification using GC-MS

Abstract in English

The mass spectra of 5 trisubstituted aromatic compounds were studied. The spectra were recorded by local GC-MS at 70 eV and compared with bibliographic spectra. The spectra of each compound were different. The using of local GC-MS for identification required recording the spectra references at the same conditions.

References used

J. H., Beynon, 1960. Mass Spectrometry and its Application to Organic Chemistry, Elsevier
M. St.C. Flett, 1962. Physical aids to the Organic Chemist, Elsevier. Amsterdam
James cason, 1966. Principles of modern organic chemistry, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Enlewood cliffs, New Jersey
