The popularity supervision (control) In The Balance (scales) of Islamic Jurisprudence

Abstract in English

This research attempts to study the rule of the popularity supervision (control) in Islamic Jurisprudence. The study shads light on the Jurisprudent's (opinions) in this subject , and all them agreed that it (the popularity supervision is collective duty to be at the shoulder of society persons (individuals). The research explains the evidences in the Quran, the traditions (hadith) and the statements (sayings) of Companions of the prophet Mohammed. Then , the research clarifies (explicates) the methods (ways) of achievement . (accomplishment) the popularity supervision. And Finally, The research study the history of rise (formation) of the popularity supervision and the manner of development its across (over) the ages.

References used

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الاستيعاب في معرفة الأصحاب(ابن عبد البر)، يوسفبن عبد الله، دار الجيل.
