Measuring customer satisfaction for quality Islamic banking services (Field study on the Syrian International Islamic Bank)

Abstract in English

The study aimes at of measuring customer's satisfaction about the quality of Islamic banking services, "field study for Syria International Islamic Bank," It identifies the extent of customer's satisfaction for the quality of the services that are offered by the bank under study. It reveals the benefits that can be obtained by Syria International Islamic Bank from measuring the quality of its services, and work to develop them, reaching to basic goal which is increasing its market share to maximize its profitability.

References used

حسين علي، الأساليب الحديثة في التسويق، دار الرضا، دمشق، سورية، 2002
محمد أيوب، ومحمد زاهر دعبول، مبادئ تسويق الخدمات، دار الرضا، دمشق، سورية، 2002
محمد عباس ديوب، إدارة التسويق، منشورات جامعة تشرين، 2007
