Criminal confrontation for Human Trafficking Crimes in Syrian Law (Analytical Study)

Abstract in English

Trafficking in persons is a new form of slavery which The International Society Suffering from. The International legislator is trying to Prevent Human Trafficking Crimes By The Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, EspeciallyWomen and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized crime (Palermo Protocol). In Syria The legislator –lately- Prescribe the laws of Trafficking in Persons by legislative Act n"3" date "2010". This Study is aim to clear the Human Trafficking Crimes in Syrian law and appear the Exceptions which the Syrian legislator make on general Rules.

References used

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الدكتور عبد الوهاب حومد، أصول المحاكمات الجزائية ، المطبعة الجديدة ، دمشق ، الطبعة . الرابعة 1987
