The option to cash in Islamic jurisprudence and its application of contemporary economy

Abstract in English

The subject of the option exchange of important issues in the jurisprudence of financial transactions, as it falls under the jurisprudence of the options associated with Palmtbaiein and needs of Islamic banks in their commercial transactions, as people need to be treated in Bauahm, and briefly enable the requirement of prudence in the price it becomes Mncoda or not, what is the truth this option? Schools of Islamic jurisprudence and the position of it? , And what are the conditions of his? And its impact on the contracts? What are the applications in modern banks?.

References used

الأم، محمد بن إدريس الشافعي، دار الوفاء، ط 2001 م.
أحكام المعاملات، د. كامل موسى. مؤسسة الرسالة، ط2 1994 م
أخبار القضاة، محمد بن خلف الملقب ب (وكيع)، المكتبة التجارية الكبرى، مصر، ط1 1947 م
