The basic priciples of embryology at the scientist Ibn Kayem Al-Jawziyyah

Abstract in English

Ibn Kayem Al-Jawziyya, is Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Ayyub Ibn Saad Zorai Damascus. (691/1291-751/1350).This researcher putted important scientific facts in the reproduction, in a scientific manner, he wrote about fertilization and how to already happening, so he earlier in European`s scientists in ontogenesis theory, and that by saying: "The fetus creates from man`s water with woman`s water" so he violated the preformation theory that prevailed in the Middle ages for many years. He also spooked about pregnancy, signs ,duration, and clinical diagnosis, and the movement of the fetus ant the his coup. As well as, he described the order of the Extra-embryonic membranes, under the name of veils by saying:' the one of the veils of this darkness cloaking his own, he mentioned the almighty phases of creation and transfer of case, and mentioned darkness of veils at the abdomen and the darkness of the uterus and the darkness of the placenta, the each one of these veil on the fetus". Researcher came to a brief explanation of the stages of embryonic development of human starting the sperm and then embryo and then fetus inside the uterus, and form systems and organs to determine the form of the newborn and of the whole, and how to exit born to new life.

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