The Art of the Article of Mikhail Naima

Abstract in English

The current study aims at investigating the art of the essay artice Mikhail Naima who is considered one of the main pillars in Al-mahjar school and one of the most prominent and active members of Al-Rābi ah al-Qalamiyah. He was a model of enlightenment in the Arabic culture as well as one of the most famous Arab writers in the field of article, he has his own style in this art reflected his spontaneous and special taste. Naima had wondered a lot in this field and wrote a lot of articles that reflected his vast knowledge of different kinds of arts and sciences. His articles were an important addition to the Arabic culture and enriched the Arabic library as well. Naima Articles can be found in many books such as (Alqhirbal) which held the most of his critical, cultural and creative works. It is worth to mentioning, other books such as Zaad Al-Miad, Al-Byader, Al-Nour and Dayjour and Fi Mahb Al-Ryeh. In those books he listed his opinions and reflections in the universe, humans and life as well, making those books as landmarks in the world of literature.

References used

إبراهيم مصطفى وآخرون، المعجم الوسيط، المكتبة الإسلامية – استانبول
أحمد هيكل، تطور الأدب الحديث في مصر، دار المعارف، القاهرة، ط6, 1984
أحمد الشايب، الأسلوب، مكتبة النهضة المصرية، القاهرة، ط8, 1998
