The Manifestations of Arabic Presence in Contemporary Arab-American Poetry

Abstract in English

Being a hybrid, hyphenated literature, Arab-American Literature, which attempts to articulate the identity of its producer, exhibits wide ranging references to its Arabic and Islamic background. Surveying a vast corpus of Arab-American writings, the present paper demonstrates the overwhelming presence of Arabic and Islamic culture in such writings, discussing its various textual forms and, thus, confirming the Arabic component of Arab-American identity.

References used

Arab American Authors, Banipal (Magazine of Modern Arab Literature), 38, Summer 2010
Belnap, R. Kirk , “North America”, In: Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics, General Editor: Kees Versteegh, (Brill, Leiden, 2008), Vol. II, pp. 394-400
الكيالي، رندة عبد الوهاب، الأمريكيون العرب، ترجمة محمود برهوم ورغدة عزيزية، .(المؤسسة العربية للدراسات والنشر، بيروت، 2007)
