The Poetics of Argumentation in the Poetic Text: Al - Ra'i Al – Numairi' (Daliah) as a Model

Abstract in English

This textual study aims at revealing the effectiveness of argumentation in structuring the poetic text. The study discusses two basic dimensions in this regard: first, the theoretical dimension that will identify the concept of argumentation in Aristotle's poetics, Arabic lexicon and the traditional Arabic Rhetorical discourse. This dimension will also discuss the different views given by argumentation scholars in modern poetics. Finally, it will describe the relationship between argumentation and culture, especially in cultural studies. The second dimension is the practical one in which Al – Ra'i Al- Numairi's (Daliah) will be taken as a model because of being a political text. This text is made up of four paratexts: distance and discrepancies of events, the extra-ordinary adventure and the consequences of the unknown the revolutionary self and the worrying nighttime, and the blaming female and the rebellions male. All these paratexts together provide clues about argumentative writing that clarifies the confusion in the relationship between Al – Ra'i Al - Numairi who represents the oppressed and the Ommayad authority represented by the caliph Abdul Malik Bin Marwan.

References used

Apostel, L., Towards A general Theory of Argumentation, in "Argumentation: Approaches to Theory Formation", Edited by: E.M Barth, and J.L. Martens, Volume 8, Amsterdam/John Benjamin B.V, 1982
Blair, J. Anthony, Everyday Argumentation from An Informal Logic Perspective, in "Readings in Argumentation Pragmatic and Discourse Analysis", Edited by: William L. Benoit, Deledate Hample, and Pamela J. Benoit, Foris Publication, Berlin – New York 1992
ابن منظور، لسان العرب، مجلد 2، دار صادر، بيروت.
