Narcissism and its Manifestations in the Yarn Ibn Zaidoun

Abstract in English

There is a close relationship between literature and the human spirit; Human life vehicles from the feeling and the unconscious, repression, or separated area (recreation). And the words spoken by him is the primary keys to his character, or windows overlooking them psychoanalyst or critic to the psychology of the unseen dark matter. And poets better than the easy way for psychologists and scholars to find out what going on in the self of human feelings and emotions and ideas. As the poetic discourse when issued by the creative sense, and reflects the impact of the unconscious in his conscience we wanted to extrapolate I'm spinning Zaidoun birth; are feeling the impact of personality psychological standing, the reader an understanding of the fact that their story of passion, taste and aesthetics become strong by. We do not want this study to engage in the midst of philosophical theories, and to hold the texts do not tolerate, what concerns us in our literary'm Zaidoun is the alter ego lurking in the not deep feelings, and monitoring of its manifestations in relation to the emotional birth; to get to a new vision of creativity Ghazlip, away the concept of narcissism in the Freudian significance.

References used

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بوفلاقة، سعد، النرجسية في شعر نزار قباني، ط1 1994 م.
