Literature of Personal Traits in the Contradictory Styles of Jareer and Al Akhtal

Abstract in English

The literature of Traits is a literature of characteristics ingrained in the self and human qualities enshrined in the human psyche. It is a literature that depicts what man has been born with generosity, meanness, courage, daring, cowardice, treachery or baseness. It depicts the envy, gloating, and hatred, and displays stupidity, vanity, Inanity and dream, as well as lying, folly, debauchery, chastity and dignity.

References used

الأغاني– أبو الفرج الأصفهاني – الهيئة المصرية للكتاب 1992
البخلاء – الجاحظ – تح طه الحاجري – دار المعارف ط7
تاريخ الأدب العربي–بلاشير تر. ابراهيم الكيلاني–منشورات وزارة الثقافة دمشق 1973
