The Distribution of Van Hiele Levels of Geometrical Thought for students and Its Relationship with geometric- proof And logical-mathematical thinking (A Field study in Lattakia City )

Abstract in English

This study aimed to extent of the distribution of the Van Hiele levels in geometrical reasoning in secondary school students (the second secondary grade), and its relationship with geometric- proof And logical-mathematical thinking, And a random sample of (200) two hundred students was chosen from both genders from the public schools in the Lattakia city, The research used the Van Hiele geometry test, and she used Achievement test for writing proofs in Geometry, And logical-mathematical thinking test. The results showed the Van Hiele levels of geometrical reasoning were present distributed at the first fourth levels with varying degrees in secondary school students (the second secondary grade), and There was a strong correlation between the two variables (Van Hiele / Geometric proof) for students, and There is a strong and positive relationship between the two variables(Logical-mathematical thinking / Geometry proof) for students, and There was a strong correlation between the two variables (Logical-mathematical thinking / Van Hiele) for students.

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